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發酵咖啡 Coffee Kombucha

發酵咖啡 Coffee Kombucha

HK$48.00 Regular Price
HK$43.00Sale Price

近代研究發現長期飲用益生菌發酵食品有助於認知能力的改善。經紅茶菌發酵後的咖啡含有豐富的益生菌,可以刺激血清素的產生, 對大腦健康產生積極影響。其中更結合具開竅寧神的中藥——石菖蒲進行發酵。根據現代藥理研究發現,石菖蒲能有效預防壓力性認知功能障礙以及焦慮行為。中醫認為石菖蒲能化痰開竅、寧心安神, 有助促進大腦學習能力及改善的記憶問題。經益生菌咖啡發酵後,更能循經入腦,入心,加強腦部健康的預防作用。


叻茶Lectcha 從綠色生活的角度出發,秉持「永續投資」(ESG) 原則, 携手本地精品咖啡店醇石咖啡STONE COFFEE,精心將沖泡過的精品咖啡豆碎進行再循環利用,透過益生菌發酵,將咖啡豆碎轉化成富含益生菌的健康飲品。不僅讓精品咖啡豆獲得了二次生命,減少生產碳足跡的同時也凸顯了對綠色生活的承諾。



醇石咖啡STONE COFFEE於2016年成立,獲瑞典知名咖啡雜誌 96°評為「香港最佳咖啡吧」STONE COFFEE注重每個細節,匠心精神,以「極致釋放咖啡豆的風味」為目標。將精心挑選精品級咖啡豆,在香港新鮮烘焙,為咖啡愛好者提供最優質的咖啡體驗。

叻茶 Lectcha 於2022年由本地中醫博士及中醫師團隊成立。將傳統中醫食療概念與現代科學發酵技術相結合,致力生產優質又貼合現代都市人生活習慣的健康「良茶」​,讓大家調理身體時不必再皺眉捱苦,實現科學養生。


Embracing a sustainable lifestyle and upholding ESG principles, Lectcha partners and local premium coffee shop STONE COFFEE café collaborate for an eco-lifestyle venture. 

Repurposing brewed coffee grounds through probiotic fermentation into a decaf and gut-healthy coffee kombucha. This innovative process not only revives used coffee beans but also embodies a staunch commitment to lowering carbon footprint and eco-conscious living. Bringing you green and healthy all in one bottle!


STONE COFFEE café, located on Hong Kong Island and established in 2016 was recommended by Sweden’s “96°- A Guide to Tremendously Good Coffee Magazine” as "The best coffee bar in Hong Kong's exciting and growing scene". Through attention to detail and careful craftmanship, STONE COFFEE specialty grade beans are carefully picked, freshly roasted in Hong Kong to ensure the best experience for the coffee lovers.

Established in 2022 by a team of local TCM doctors and physicians, Lectcha redefines Traditional Chinese medicine by infusing modern science technology into Traditional Chinese herbs. Bringing high-quality Chinese herbal products that best fits the lifestyle of modern urbanites.

  • 儲存方法










    Lectcha tastes best chilled. It can be stored at room temperature (20-25°C) for 2 days and up to 3 months when refrigerated (4-10°C). Please finish consumption on the same day if drank straight from the bottle.

    Please note that Lectcha is raw kombucha and thus the live yeast and probiotics will continue to ferment in the bottle. The taste might change over time (usually becomes more vinegary and tangy). It remains safe to consume. [ However, we recommend using it as a low-cal salad dressing instead ]

    Drinking Lectcha

    We recommend 1 bottle (250ml) a day. The tea contains small amounts of sugar, therefore people with special conditions, e.g. pregnant, breastfeeding, alcohol allergies, diabetes etc. are advised to consult a family doctor before drinking.

    Strains in the Bottle

    The brown/clear strands in the bottle are fiber cellulose produced by the continuous fermentation of the living yeast and probiotics in the raw Kombucha. They are safe to consume.

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